So……what happened to Rock Kandy???

A lot of people have asked about that band in the last few months. Here’s the deal, just so there is no misunderstanding. I was in that band for one reason: my wife wanted to do it and I wanted to be in a band with her. I took the gig, had as much fun with it as I could and it had long run its course. The band had a farewell gig back in December and as far as I know and was told, any dates after that had been cancelled and we were done. I have yet to hear from anyone in that bands management and honestly for me, that is ok. A gig has to meet 2 out of 3 conditions for me to take it. 

  1. Good money
  2. Good music
  3. Good hang/atmosphere 

My new band, Decadence fits these categories for me. I’m more than happy playing with these three folks and pressing on bringing the 80s to life. I’m happy with what we are making, we are kicking ass now on the music end of it and the atmosphere is chill. In the meantime, I’ve been very busy with the Lakeland Regional High School’s production of Mean Girls. I’m Guitar 1 and loving the job there. See us in early March in Ringwood, NJ. Also, I’ve been playing with my wife and I’s duo, the Bruce And Angel Duo. I’m expanding the repertoire of both the duo and the band to keep things fresh and versatile. 

As for Rock Kandy, I do not know if this is the end of the line for it. I do know that my chapter of it is closed, and there is plenty of book left to be written in my musical journey. I wish all past members of that band I have played with well and wish them much success in their future endeavors. I hope they’re playing stadiums so I can go see and buy a ticket in support. One thing I’ve learned in life is the success or failure of others has nothing at all to do with my own success or lack thereof. That comes from hard work and from within.